CALL FOR PAPERS: Seeing and Hearing: Music and the Visual Arts in the Renaissance, Renaissance Society of America Annual Meeting (RSA), New York, 27-29 March 2014.
During the 15th and 16th centuries, both music and the visual arts enjoyed a flourishing period of innovation, discovery, diversity, and increased importance in civic ritual, religious ceremony and court culture. However, the relationship between these art forms is often under discussed.
This panel seeks papers that address the intersection of music and the visual arts, focusing on ways in which they inform and reflect one another. The panel will focus on images that appear in conjunction with music or in a musical context which are not necessarily images of musicians or performances.
Suggested topics include illustrated music manuscripts (ie laudario, choirbooks); personifications of music; visual descriptions of the role of music in civic or religious ceremonial; aspects of performance (ie religious or secular theatre, processions, etc); allegory; interpretation of music and its meaning in contemporary society; the perception of music/musicians; decorated instruments; choirstalls; organ panels; carved or painted instruments; scholarly/religious debate about the role of music in church/society; venues for such representations, etc.
Papers from all disciplines will be considered.
Please submit 200 word proposals to Sarah Schell, including a brief CV with name, email address, institutional affiliation, and title of paper.
Deadline: 31 May 2013.
Source: H-ArtHist